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I'm loving the femininity and personality of charm bracelets as a spring/summer style accent
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CLOSET CONFIDENTIAL: Business style for a curvy woman

I had the privilege of working with a 30-something year old Sophia Loren look-alike banker to help her find her professional style in her closet.
Needs: business day & a lot of evening business related fundraising events
Body: fit, curvy, well-proportioned. Italian decent and coloring—jet black hair.She feels most comfortable covering her arms  Read More 
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First Spring Purchases

Stuart Weitzman "Roccia Serpent"
I recently spoke at two Women & Fashion lunches in Palm Beach and needed to jumpstart spring when deciding what to wear.
I knew I needed COLOR and a nude leg as opposed to black tights and boots. I picked up a pair of Stuart Weitzman beige python pumps—a nude leg and nude-colored shoe looks best with everything in the spring summer months. The combination elongates the leg and makes your feet disappear.
I went to Saks with my Amex gift card (worth LOTS of Amex points) & picked up a chartreuse linen  Read More 
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Spring Closet!

I distinctly felt a bit of spring in the air yesterday and realized it was time to shed—shed my closet of all the dark, heavy woolen layers I've been wearing all winter, and also to shed a few pounds.
It's also time to Assess Dejunk & Renew my SPRING CLOSET—see what fits, dejunk  Read More 
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Spring Color!

Akris Punto linen jacket in one of my favorite colors.
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Kitchen Closet

We have many different kind of closets and wardrobes in our lives. Our kitchen "closet" is our pantry. It holds the chic (our particular taste treats) and the simple (basics). And our kitchen wardrobes change each season as does our clothes wardrobe. In warm weather we tend to eat more salads and grill food,  Read More 
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A wise tale

An old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that was going on inside himself.
"My son, it is between two wolves....

One is evil: Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority & ego.

The other is good: Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, Read More 
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Fresh Starts!

START: Something STOP: worrying

START:Living STOP: waiting

START: Talking STOP: texting

START:Exercising STOP:dieting

START: Trails STOP:treadmills

START:NOW STOP: procrastinating

START: Breathing STOP: smoking

START: Doing STOP:planning

START:Simple STOP: complicated


Missy Parker, founder of Title Nine (a line of pretty performance wear) www.titlenine.com

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Why Not Wear Your Holiday Closet?

Naughty or Nice? Why not wear glamour?

Why not wear your fun night-out earrings during the day?

Why not wear patterned stockings with your boots?

Why not wear sequins with denim?

Why not wear something in velvet—sleek pants, above-the-knee skirt, booties?

Why not wear a satin suit?

Why not wear festive colors: anything  Read More 
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Are You Dressing Your Age?

Do you have a closet filled with clothes but feel like you have nothing to wear? It's because you've transitioned from one part of your life to the next without letting your closet know what's now appropriate and what no longer is. To read more click on left...

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